Anthriscus sylvestris
- Apiales Apiaceae Anthriscus
- Fay, M.F. 205 (K)
(Click to clear sorting) | (Click to sort ascending) | Order (Click to sort ascending) | Family (Click to sort descending) | Genus (Click to sort ascending) | Species (Click to sort ascending) | No. of genes recovered (Click to sort ascending) | No. of bp recovered (Click to sort ascending) | Voucher specimen (Click to sort ascending) | Specimen barcode (Click to sort ascending) | Collection date (Click to sort ascending) | Material sampled (Click to sort ascending) |
PAFTOL | Apiales | Apiaceae | Anthriscus | sylvestris | 337 | 163,242 | Fay, M.F. 205 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Acanthopale | sp. | 303 | 93,507 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Rwaburindore, P. 1061 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Acanthopsis | sp. | 349 | 216,672 | Tripp, E.; Dexter, K. 2073 (K) | K001295731 | 2011 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Acanthus | sp. | 344 | 173,979 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Rwaburindore, P. 1046 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Achyrocalyx | decaryi | 340 | 174,564 | Rakotoarisoa, S.E. 323 (K) | K000664838 | 2004 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Afrofittonia | silvestris | 344 | 190,809 | Burgt, X.M. van der 1721 (K) | K001061989 | 2013 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Ambongia | perrieri | 347 | 177,573 | Du Puy, B.; Du Puy, D.; Raharilala, J. s.n. (K) | K001295759 | 1989 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Andrographis | paniculata | 348 | 199,017 | Tadong, D. 902 (K) | K001400402 | 1994 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Angkalanthus | oligophylla | 349 | 211,848 | Miller, A.G.; Bazara'a, M.; Guarino, L.; Kassim, N. 10292 (K) | K001295750 | 1990 | Herbarium | |
OneKP | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Anisacanthus | quadrifidus | 349 | 256,423 | |||||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Anisosepalum | alboviolaceum | 337 | 136,851 | Champluvier, D. 5295 (K) | 1995 | Silica dried | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Anisostachya | bojeri | 344 | 179,796 | Decay, M.R. 10079 (K) | K001446059 | 1933 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Anisostachya | tenella | 344 | 189,231 | Molmou, D. 1021 (K) | K001243667 | 2016 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Anisotes | longistrobus | 316 | 117,567 | Reeves, G. 43 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Anisotes | pulchellus | 344 | 193,122 | Du Puy, B.; Du Puy, D.; Labat, J.-N.; Rakouth, B. s.n. (K) | K001295739 | 1990 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Anisotes | trisulcus | 351 | 220,740 | Cope, T.; Murtland, R. 192 (K) | K001295757 | 1987 | Herbarium | |
SRA | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Aphelandra | aurantiaca | 349 | 256,242 | |||||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Aphelandra | tenuiflora | 339 | 166,059 | RBG Kew Living Collection 2015-412 | 2018 | Silica dried | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Ascotheca | paucinervia | 343 | 163,488 | Mackinder, B. 296 (K) | K000109419 | 1999 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Asystasia | leptostachya | 343 | 177,261 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Rwaburindore, P. 1017 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Avicennia | marina | 345 | 205,353 | Styles, D.G.A. 2530 (K) | DNA bank | |||
SRA | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Avicennia | marina | 351 | 253,776 | |||||
SRA | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Avicennia | officinalis | 351 | 248,928 | |||||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Ballochia | atrovirgata | 348 | 216,714 | Thulin, M.; Gifri, A.N. 8575 (K) | K001295752 | 1994 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Barleria | ventricosa | 328 | 139,545 | Darbyshire, I., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Mutebi, S., Rwaburindore, P. 1093 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Barleriola | solanifolia | 348 | 216,927 | Valeur, E.J. 861 (K) | K001446052 | 1933 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Blepharis | sp. | 346 | 173,076 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Mutebi, S., Rwaburindore, P. 1082 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Borneacanthus | grandifolius | 345 | 207,123 | Runi, S.P. S63619 (K) | K000938801 | 1991 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Boutonia | cuspidata | 342 | 199,821 | Randrianaivo, R. 404 (K) | K000963299 | 1999 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Brachystephanus | giganteus | 321 | 100,965 | FHI 36252 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Brachystephanus | sp. | 341 | 170,400 | Darbyshire, I., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Mutebi, S., Rwaburindore, P. 1087 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Bravaisia | integerrima | 349 | 204,420 | Thomsen, K. 163 (K) | K001295761 | 1992 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Brillantaisia | cicatricosa | 340 | 180,600 | Osborne, J. 1253 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
GAP | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Brunoniella | australis | 345 | 209,826 | J.R. Hosking 2952 (AD) | AD216800 | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Calycacanthus | magnusianus | 344 | 206,415 | Wiakabu, J. 73357 (K) | K001446047 | 1978 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Camarotea | souiensis | 346 | 210,024 | Phillipson, P.B. 4130 (K) | K001295733 | 1993 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Carlowrightia | serpyllifolia | 347 | 215,355 | Henrickson 23134 (K) | K001446053 | 2002 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Cephalophis | lukei | 347 | 198,273 | Luke, W.R.Q. 2945 (K) | K001295743 | 1991 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Chamaeranthemum | tonduzii | 348 | 222,945 | Zuñiga, R. 122 (K) | K001446045 | 1990 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Champluviera | populifolia | 348 | 202,833 | Tchiengue, B. 3613 (K) | K001061986 | 2013 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Chlamydacanthus | lindavianus | 340 | 179,079 | Luke, W.R.Q. 2941 (K) | K001295744 | 1991 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Chlamydocardia | buettneri | 346 | 206,895 | Cheek, M. 7655 (K) | K000197521 | 1995 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Chorisochora | transvaalensis | 342 | 187,674 | Daniel, T.F. 9379 (K) | K001295742 | 1999 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Clinacanthus | nutans | 350 | 204,153 | Lau, C.P. 87 (K) | K001446055 | 2003 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Clinacanthus | robinsoni | 349 | 213,798 | Squires, R.W. 843 (K) | K001446056 | 1932 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Conocalyx | laxus | 344 | 185,271 | Leandri, J. 3033 (K) | K001295740 | 1960 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Cosmianthemum | subglabrum | 345 | 159,663 | Purseglove, J.W. 4995 (K) | K000939370 | 1956 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Crabbea | nana | 344 | 183,975 | Forest. F. 885 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Crossandrella | dusenii | 308 | 81,657 | Poulsen 1144 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Dianthera | candicans | 350 | 210,237 | Solorio Herrera, I. 28 (K) | K001446060 | 2012 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Diceratotheca | bracteolata | 348 | 224,169 | Wongpasert, T. 35 (K) | K000939024 | 1982 | Herbarium | |
GAP | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Dicladanthera | forrestii | 343 | 178,356 | Morgan, B. 1359 (PERTH) | PERTH 8766010 | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Dicliptera | cernua | 329 | 156,900 | Styles, D.G.A. 2497 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Dicliptera | laxata | 339 | 161,748 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Rwaburindore, P., Mwesige, I. 1006 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Dinteracanthus | marlothii | 344 | 205,293 | Tripp, E.; Dexter, K. 1983 (K) | K001295737 | 2011 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Dischistocalyx | sp. | 327 | 140,145 | Grall, A., Burgt, X.M. van der 15 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Duosperma | kilimandscharicum | 346 | 203,076 | Abdallah, R.; Mboya, E.; Vollesen, K. s.n. (K) | K001295758 | 1996 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Dyschoriste | sp. | 338 | 170,766 | Darbyshire, I., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Mutebi, S., Rwaburindore, P. 1092 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Ecbolium | amplexicaule | 341 | 174,753 | Chase, M.W. 15943 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Echinacanthus | attenuatus | 296 | 74,640 | Haines, H.H. 3942 (K) | K001446062 | 1916 | Herbarium | |
SRA | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Echinacanthus | lofuensis | 341 | 145,746 | |||||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Echinacanthus | lofuensis | 348 | 218,013 | ASBK436 (K) | K001446063 | 1997 | Herbarium | |
SRA | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Echinacanthus | longipes | 344 | 144,885 | |||||
SRA | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Elytraria | caroliniensis | 353 | 266,904 | |||||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Eranthemum | wattii | 338 | 172,977 | RBG Kew Living Collection 1963-2101 | 2018 | Silica dried | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Eremomastax | speciosa | 345 | 197,820 | Etuge, M. 4264 (K) | K000746029 | 2001 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Filetia | brookeae | 347 | 200,796 | S54093 (K) | K001446041 | 1987 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Forcipella | sp. | 344 | 201,831 | Rakotonasolo, F. s.n. (K) | K000952021 | 2013 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Glossochilus | burchellii | 343 | 185,988 | Merxmueller, H. 713 (K) | K001295736 | 1957 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Graphandra | procumbens | 346 | 205,827 | Kerr, A.F.G. 8454 (K) | K000885690 | 1924 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Graptophyllum | glandulosum | 342 | 193,692 | Ghogue, J.-P. 464 (K) | K000109437 | 1999 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Gymnostachyum | signatum | 345 | 198,951 | Chantaranothai, P. 460 (K) | K000939031 | 1990 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Haplanthodes | tentaculata | 349 | 202,011 | R.W. ??? s.n. (K) | K001446048 | 1937 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Haplanthus | laxiflorus | 347 | 211,092 | van Beusekam, C.F. 3714 (K) | K001446049 | 1921 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Herpetacanthus | panamensis | 343 | 187,212 | Hammel, B. 18110 (K) | K001446067 | 1991 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Heteradelphia | paulojaegeria | 339 | 167,664 | Chase, M.W. 17145 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Holographis | pueblensis | 348 | 225,315 | Daniel, T.F. 3771 (K) | K001446057 | 1984 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Hulemacanthus | novoguineensis | 345 | 186,048 | Takauchi et al. 16178 (K) | K000611207 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Hygrophila | auriculata | 341 | 178,575 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Mutebi, S., Rwaburindore, P. 1076 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Hypoestes | sp. | 347 | 190,170 | Darbyshire, I. 1179 (K) | 2017 | Silica dried | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Ichthyostoma | thulinii | 344 | 197,985 | Thulin, M.; Bashir A. Mohemed 6844 (K) | K001295751 | 1989 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Isoglossa | grandiflora | 332 | 138,954 | Mucaleque, P. 8 (K) | Herbarium | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Isoglossa | vulcanicola | 330 | 147,393 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Rwaburindore, P. 1048 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Justicia | anselliana | 346 | 195,576 | Bidgood, S.; Hoenselaar, K.; Leliyo, G.; Vollesen, K. 5942 (K) | K000468483 | 2006 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Justicia | griffithii | 345 | 198,735 | Lace, J.H. 148 (K) | K001446061 | 1910 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Justicia | pulgarensis | 348 | 188,013 | S.46961 (K) | K000224767 | 1984 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Justicia | scandens | 340 | 164,571 | RBG Kew Living Collection 1989-1661 | 2018 | Silica dried | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Justicia | sp. | 335 | 160,662 | Darbyshire, I., Downes, E., Gosline, G., Larridon, I., Rwaburindore, P. 1045 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Kosmosiphon | azureus | 344 | 193,218 | Letauzey, R. 10952 (K) | K001446050 | 1972 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Lankesteria | elegans | 348 | 200,796 | Ogundipe 1296 (K) | 2002 | DNA bank | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Lasiocladus | anthospermifolius | 343 | 193,635 | Du Puy, B.; Du Puy, D.; Labat, J.-N.; Phillipson, P. s.n. (K) | K001295732 | 1990 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Leandriella | valvata | 345 | 195,858 | Thulin, M.; Razafindraibe, H. 11880 (K) | K001295749 | 2010 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Lepidagathis | alopecuroidea | 341 | 177,990 | Jongkind, C.C.H. 8128 (K) | 2007 | DNA bank | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Lepidagathis | fischeri | 337 | 180,027 | Bidgood, S. et al. 6743 (K) | 2008 | Silica dried | ||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Leptosiphonium | stricklandii | 347 | 216,840 | Sands, M.J.S. 1155 (K) | K001446051 | 1970 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Mackaya | bella | 336 | 163,857 | Styles, D.G.A. 2562 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Mcdadea | angolensis | 347 | 204,213 | Tripp, E. 6930 (K) | K001341267 | 2017 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Megalochlamys | marlothii | 346 | 194,736 | Nanyeni, L.; Darbyshire, I.; Klaassen, E.; Tripp, E. 843 (K) | K001295756 | 2014 | Herbarium | |
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Melittacanthus | divaricatus | 327 | 151,440 | Perrier la Bathie, H. 16844 (K) | DNA bank | |||
PAFTOL | Lamiales | Acanthaceae | Mellera | lobulata | 342 | 191,208 | Darbyshire, I. 1128 (K) | 2017 | Herbarium |