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The data and trees in the Kew Tree of Life Explorer are freely available for use in your work with appropriate acknowledgement.
When using the Kew Tree of Life Explorer, or any associated data, you are requested to cite the following paper:
Baker W.J., Bailey P., Barber V., Barker A., Bellot S., Bishop D., Botigue L.R., Brewer G., Carruthers T., Clarkson J.J., Cook J., Cowan R.S., Dodsworth S., Epitawalage N., Francoso E., Gallego B., Johnson M., Kim J.T., Leempoel K., Maurin O., McGinnie C., Pokorny L., Roy S., Stone M., Toledo E., Wickett N.J., Zuntini A.R., Eiserhardt W.L., Kersey P.J., Leitch I.J. & Forest F. 2022. A Comprehensive Phylogenomic Platform for Exploring the Angiosperm Tree of Life. Systematic Biology 71: 301–319.